Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Velvet Underground

If it weren't for Stephen Mejias' Stereophile Blog, I would never know about the Vacuum State of the Art Conference & Show in Vancouver, WA. You can reach their site:

Now I bet you thought I was going to talk about a New York band - so sorry to disappoint. I am talking about the underground of audio that exists and few seem to venture into it. Let me encourage you, there are some real gems here.

Looking for Citation tube amps? Look no further than Jim Mcshane, who has come to be sort of a legend here at Pacific Valve. How about some great cables? Consider Jena Labs, known for great cables and now some cool looking loud speakers.

We also partner with some under ground folks: Response Audio and APL Hi Fi. Since we are part of the "underground" our best bet is to partner with them, where they can mod our products and offer you, the consumer, an upgrade path for your investment.

What else makes the underground so cool is that you can get great products, upgrades and personal support at rock bottom prices. Theses craftsmen (and woman) put all their rubles into making great products and not advertising in main stream audio magazines. These craftspeople are here and making the hobby great. What a gift they are.

There are many, many underground folks, some compete with us. Please Google them: Morrow Audio, Vacuum Tube Valley, the Tube Store (great, just great), tube depot (answers all your questions), Brent Jessies Vacuum tubes - and many more.

All th best,

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Old Tubes, New Tubes

There are certainly some tube purists out there. Some folks will only entertain NOS - New Old Stock tubes. These tubes go by the now defunct brands of: Telefunken, Siemens, GE, Sylvania, RCA etc... Others will entertain the mix, adding in the makers of new tubes: Electro Harmonix, JJ Tesla, Tung Sol, Sovtek etc.

Why the divide? Why do some purists "poo poo" the new makers of tubes. Over all, I am sot sure, but I would like to take the time to open the eyes.

We have a con-num-drum here is that I am very little of the 12AX7 derivatives out there. Tung Sols seem to be the best all-around performers. Forget ELectro Harmonix and Sovteks sans the excellent Sovtek LPS, which is an exception to the Sovtek grainy rule. If you are looking for NOS tubes, Telefunkens are the ones to get. I would not pass by any 12AX7 NOS at this point including GEs, Sylvanias etc. Some of these NOS brands are either too expensive or not readily available. I undestand that Tung Sol makes an excellent gold standard 12AX7. This new tube is readily available and may fit the bill. Cannot comment, have not heard it.

Cannot find a new tube that I say that I like. Especially when the GE 12AT7s and Sylvanias are so readily available. If you are going new, forget EH or Sovteks. Try the JJs

The JJ Tesla 12AU7s are not bad. But, they do not provide the low noise, see through depth and coherence that a GE 6189, Ge 5963 or RCA 5963 provide. Nor are they as stately as the German RFT 12AU7. Again, some of these NOS brands are readily available. If you are going new, I like the JJs

Here we have another tube-num-drum. The new JJs are quiet and liguid. The JAN GEs are NOS and they are on par if not slightly better in some applications. But none of these have the transparency of the Amperex or RCA 6DJ8s. Those are the ones to buy if you can get them.

There are also some honorable mentions here for new tubes:
  • The Shuguang 2A3 (highly underestimated, white label)
  • Shuguang 300BC (white label)
  • Shuguang KT88-98 (not the KT88)
  • Shuguang 6550
  • Electro Harmonix KT88
  • ELectro Harmonix 6550
Have not heard the Genlexes - I hear that they are great as well

All the best,
