Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Greatest Dangerous Import

The current trade imbalance is giving heartburn to manufacturers and unions alike, who are having just an industrial age Dickens’ of a time digesting the new reality. The current rate of the imbalance is expected to increase proportionally in the next few years. Last November, for example, the gap increased to almost 9.4%. Most high end companies, B&W, Krell, Vincent (Sheng Ya), Musical Fidelity et.al, have their equipment (or in the case of Krell, some of the equipment) made in the same place that puts duck sauce on pancakes.

The biggest import threat to those who want to manufacture and sell audio in the USA, is not the trade imbalance with China, but the import of Chicago politics to Washington D.C. And that my friends, more than anything, is a real threat to any small business trying to make a buck in a lethal economy.

The bullying, conniving and shoving executed with the breath-taking precision of a Hawks game was on display during the passage of what I think seems to be some sort of health care bill. Make no Jimmy Hoffa bones about it my friends, this is just the start of the Chicago dance. As the Jimmy Carter redux era unwinds the boom of the 1980s, our “Check Please” President is more apt at commenting on the foie gras then he is at nuclear disarmament (“Check Please” is a PBS show in Chicago that has people go out and eat at a restaurant and report back. There, the fresh Senator Obama appeared and gave a review of his favorite eating establishment). Since he has managed so little (except some community organizing- Psssst, very few communities in Chicago actually did get organized), he is going to have a hard time navigating us out of this mess. What we all hope does not happen is that he may use some of his Lake Michigan toxins to do more damage to what is a very fragile climate for any small business. We now know that this ‘Change” he was talking about was really the change of thin crust to thick crust pizza.

US bound audio manufacturers are going to have it tough in hiring expenses, taxes - perhaps even a VAT to avoid a “Greece” like trauma. Someone has to pay for these things and it’s the same people that buy high end audio. Consumers are going to face higher taxes and will have less discretionary income to part with their current rigs and step up to high end audio. Just wait and see after the election.

High end audio need not worry though, “change” is on its way: Pepperoni or just plain cheese?

All the best,


Anonymous said...


What makes you think anyone is interested in your two-bit political philosophy in your AUDIOPHILE blog?

Anonymous said...

I am so tired of hearing this kind of crap from right wing Republicans who consider themselves true patriots. Please write this drivel to another audience and not to potential customers like myself. After reading this commentary from you, there is no way I will buy a product from this company. Way to go Vic!

ceiling mounted speakers said...

Even through the rough times its best to remain optimistic I find. While I won't be splurging on my audio system I plan to spend more time with friends and family developing new connections.

Brian Miller said...


President Obama is the only president to pass significant health reform. Period. Do not denigrate him with 'community organizer' bullshit because compared to what Bush and the Republicans did, he has already done more for jobs and regulating than Bush did in 8 years. Stick with audio!

Your Audio Friend,

Vic Trola said...


Please read a synopsis of the bill that was passed. Its more health insurance reform then health care reform. Real health care reform should change the antiquated and unfair way we obtain medical services. The bottom line, is that a tax hike is inevitable which will leave less disposal income for audio.

Also, please look at the unemployment rate under Bush. Even after 9/11 it topped 5%. We are at rate of 9.9%.

I commend your support and enthusiasm for Obama.

Vic Trola said...


For the record, I am not a "right wing" nut job.

But I do expect my president to have some experience before taking over. Is that too much to ask?

mercutio said...


Several months later, looking back, I see that you knew something about the man from Chicago that I and many, alas, have had to learn slowly.

Anonymous said...

Your own personal political beliefs (and Chicago experience) aside, this post was just bad business practices on your own part. Ya shot yourself in the foot on this one. I might have bought an Audio GD DAC from you, but now I'm more inclined to buy from Kanga direct; at least I have no idea what his politics are. And why do you sell Commie audio gear in the first place?

Vic Trola said...

Sorry to hear this. But, I published this last April and some of my statements are holding their weight. Let me know how you make out with Kanga.